Thursday 4 October 2018

Home schooling your kids in Pakistan

It may sound weird to you and some parents that we can homeschool our kids in our own way in Pakistan too. It can be challenging in the beginning for you and your kids but simultaneously you would get used to it.

First of all you need a plan for strategically setting a timetable and routine to continue homeschooling.
There were plenty of reasons why I started homeschooling my two boys. They were in one of the best schools in the city but I was not satisfied. I felt they were not dealt according to their potentials. Our schools are not trained enough to take out best of every kids but rather to make them all follow same pattern and syllabus at the same pace. It is proved time and again that every child has different learning capabilities, we can't treat them all same way. So they need to be treated according to their mental capabilities. I felt the only thing they were learning was English language and not much. I needed them to gain knowledge too and to be interested what they were being taught. They lost their power of mental accessiblilty and were forced to think inside the box. These things made me think about other ways of educating my kids.
 I started researching and read lots of views of other parents who were in my situation. I learned how well their kids were doing after they switched to homeschooling but it needed lots of patience and determination.
First of all I had to choose the curriculum I was going to follow and what educational materials I can get at home easily. I collected all the information I needed and now it's been six months since I started homeschooling my two difficult boys. I am very satisfied and hope it works out for you too. In the beginning lots of will power was needed.
In next article I will share with you how to plan a timetable and strategies to make homeschooling a good experience for you and kids. I had to face lots of adversities from the society but I stood my ground. A parent knows better than other people what would work best for their kids. Keep faith in yourself and your kids and all will work out well.

Friday 21 July 2017

Kashigari blue art of Pakistan

Kashi is the historical and cultural art of Pakistan. It has its roots in ancient and famous Gandhara art which dates back to first century AD. It consists of glazed blue and white coloured painted terracotta tiles. Kashigari is very sophisticated form of art which looks very attractive because of its sharp colours and beautiful designs. If you watch it carefully you would see how delicately and creatively each deign has been made by the expert professional, keeping the quality intact in each piece of art. This profession has been passed on to generation after generations as their family occupation.

Sadly, because of low income and insufficient resources this art is also fading in Pakistan. Lack of exposure and joblessness has made those craftsmen to look for other work leaving their ancestor's work behind forever.

This art is common in Multan, Lahore, Thatta, Hala, Nisarpur etc. There are lots of ancient buildings which are decorated by Kashi tiles on them. Which makes them look beautiful and eye catching. There is a special technique used to make these tiles. Blue colour is made by mixing cobalt oxide and copper oxide on high temperature through a special way.

Tiles from some tombs, shrines and mosques are on display in the museums in Pakistan and abroad. Artists are using it in other practical things like Lamps, crockery, candle stands, vases and jars which captures the eyes of people around the world. 

Friday 30 December 2016

Pakistani fashion industry

Pakistani fashion industry is one of the world’s fastest growing industries. Pakistani fashion is now renowned around the world because of its elegance, versatility and splendor. It’s not something new to see new fashion designers budding every day and making their way among the famous fashion designers who are already enjoying their place in the market.

The largest markets of Pakistani dresses are Middle East, Europe and South Asia. The explosion of Pakistani runways and fashion shows around the world makes it clear how Pakistani fashion industries are growing in leaps and bounds.

The recent invite-only catwalk event Fashion Parade, held at London’s Mandarin Oriental Hotel, is indicative of the expanding hunger for knowledge about the latest trends in South Asian fashion, Showcasing Pakistani fashion designers. But the interest in new Pakistani designs and trends flows across the whole Asian diaspora, especially when it comes to bridal wear.

People with higher incomes like to keep up with the market and changing fashion trends. The average designer dress can cost up to thousands of dollars. Wealthy women like to wear something new in every event, competing fiercely to look their best.

Some of the renowned fashion designers of Pakistan are HSY, Asim Jofa, Deepak Parwani, Fahad Husayn, Maria B, Bunto Kazmi, Zara Shahjahan, Nomi Ansari etc.

Pakistani truck art

Pakistan is the multi-cultured and multi-ethnic country in the south Asia. It is the land of one of the ancient civilization existed on earth, which includes Moen-jo-Daro and Harrapa. Art plays an important role in the lives of Pakistanis, which we express through different mediums. One of the most popular art here is truck art which is also known as 'jingle art'.

The unique form of truck art was created in Pakistan. This art is about culture, history and passion of people here. Sometimes its telling a simple story of love and beauty. Every little adornment on truck signifies something special. Its a common sight to see these masterpieces of art running on highways.

These are moving canvases on the roads of Pakistan, which is covered in poetry, folktales, religious, sentimental and emotional worldviews of the truck owners. These things make it one of the biggest representational art in the world.

Pakistani truck owners spend 3000$ to 5000$ to decorate their vehicles. These art includes flora and fauna, painting, calligraphy, stickers, mirrors, woods, ornamental decor and more.

The decoration often contains elements that remind the truck drivers of homes because they can be away from home for months. Decoration may include different types of things i.e  mirror work on the front and back of vehicles and wooden carvings on the truck doors. Depictions of various historical scenes and poetic verses are also common. One can see poetry and verses written in the form of beautiful calligraphic art. 

No doubt Pakistani truck art always stays in news and anyone can recognize it. It's also become the source of inspiration for artists to fit in new design patterns in different things including apparels, purses and even shoes. 

This picture is taken in Australia, Melbourne, where Pakistani trucks art is recognized. 
